We believe in the right setting all children, regardless of their disability, can learn and exceed expectations. It is our aim to enrich their lives and those of their families and to help prepare them to be active members of society.

We require your support to ensure the ongoing operation and maintenance of our high-quality education offering.

The Gap

Whilst we will receive Commonwealth and State government funds, they do not fully address the costs associated with delivering a service necessary to enable our students to reach their full potential. 

Securing additional ongoing financial support is necessary to maintain school fees at a manageable level for families.

If you would like to be a part of this exciting project, please donate or contact us to discuss how you can be involved.

Lyrebird College Donation


Please enter the amount you would like to donate

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Donation Total: $20.00

All donations to Lyrebird College are tax deductible under item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Donors are invited to nominate their area of interest in supporting our school.

All amounts are welcome.